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Be a Part of Our Growing Team

Staff Recruitment - Training

Enter information about this job vacancy here. Be sure to include both educational and experiential requirements for the position, as well as details about the type of person you are looking for. Describe the position and the details of what the applicant would do. Add a link to your contact page, or to a PDF application to make it easier for visitors to apply.

Home Nurse Making Bed

Night Time Caregiver

Enter information about this job vacancy here. Be sure to include both educational and experiential requirements for the position, as well as details about the type of person you are looking for. Describe the position and the details of what the applicant would do. Add a link to your contact page, or to a PDF application to make it easier for visitors to apply.

Senior Swimmer

Day Time Caregiver

Enter information about this job vacancy here. Be sure to include both educational and experiential requirements for the position, as well as details about the type of person you are looking for. Describe the position and the details of what the applicant would do. Add a link to your contact page, or to a PDF application to make it easier for visitors to apply.

Family Visit


We are recruiting agency providing excellent service to care
homes section in the region. Due to the Codvid-19 impact,
there has been concentration of following the government
guides to make the homes safe.
As the lockdown is coming down slowly, we would like to
introduce ourselves to you as recruitment agency and we are
available at any time to discuss with you any vacancy that
you would like us to fill.
We will work with you to meet your staff needs at the
competitive prices.
Should you have any vacancies to be filled, please contact us via your preferred method, available on our contact page.


Elderly Care Specialist

Enter information about this job vacancy here. Be sure to include both educational and experiential requirements for the position, as well as details about the type of person you are looking for. Describe the position and the details of what the applicant would do. Add a link to your contact page, or to a PDF application to make it easier for visitors to apply.

Senior Citizen Exercise Class
Employment: Employment
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